Back Mountain Federal Credit Union (Bk.Mtn.FCU) is providing you with a copy of this
privacy policy to enable you to understand how we handle and protect your personal
information collected in the normal course of business.
Bk.Mtn.FCU will only collect information that is necessary to serve you and manage our
business. We will protect your privacy by conducting business in the following manner:
- Obtaining only the personal information necessary to conduct our business;
i.e., data needed to provide financial services and products. - Safeguarding your personal information by using security controls in both the
computer systems and office area. - Sharing your information, ONLY WHEN NECESSARY, when required to
administer our products and services, when required by government
regulation, or when utilizing an organization providing support services to us. - Associating with businesses with strict confidentiality requirements.
- Never selling or releasing member information to any telemarketing firm.
The FACT Act of 2003, Section 217, requires that we notify you that: Bk.Mtn.FCU
may report information about your account(s) to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed
payments, or other defaults on your account(s) may be reflected in your credit report.
You will receive this Privacy Notice with your statement on an annual basis.